Great Northern Partners With Park Center Senior High School

As part of our Great Northern Cares Program, our Twin Cities Team partnered with Park Center Senior High School, a school with a high rate of student homelessness, to provide essential support to children in need.

For students needing essential school supplies, the Great Northern team members purchased and assembled 50 backpacks filled with folders, notebooks, pens, pencils, day planners, a combination lock, and highlighters.

The backpacks were donated to the high school shortly before the start of the 2024 school year and were a huge success. According to Emily Juaire, Park Center’s student assistance coordinator, “The backpacks have been absolutely amazing; I have given away so many and the supplies are a hit. The hope is that students can feel seen and supported and to help alleviate some stress, which in turn allows students to just be kids.”

The Great Northern Cares committee also donated company funds to Park Center’s “Pirate Pantry,” a 100% community-funded pantry available to all students who are homeless, missed breakfast or lunch, or for any other reason big or small. The dedicated student space stocks snacks and beverages, travel-size hygiene products like soap and deodorant, clothing, and other frequently requested items.

This partnership with Park Center Senior High School is just one example of how Great Northern is committed to making a positive impact on our communities. By providing essential supplies and assistance, we hope to empower students and support our communities.

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